New Books–April 2016

New Books–April 2016

                                                             Complete New Book List

                                                                       April, 2016            .

Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus Through the Spiritual Disciplines, by David Mathis. In his Foreword to the book, John Piper says: “This book is about grace-empowered habits, and Spirit-empowered disciplines…the means God has given for drinking at the fountain of life…if you have never read a book on ‘habits of grace’ or ‘spiritual disciplines’, start with this one…if you are a veteran lover of the river of God, but for some reason have been wandering aimlessly in the desert, this book will be a good way back”.

        Psalms By the Day: A New Devotional Translation, by Alec Motyer. On the heels of his highly commended Isaiah by the Day: A New Devotional Translation, Alex Motyer has given the same treatment to the Psalms, consisting of his own working translation with analysis and explanatory notes, and a “pause for thought” based on the passage read. Carl Trueman says it is a “dream combination: the Psalms presented as a daily devotional by the great Christian scholar”. Great devotional thoughts backed up by the solid scholarship of a master of systematic and biblical theology.

     Answering Jihad: A Better Way Forward, by Nabeel Qureshi. Answers to questions about jihad, the rise of ISIS, and Islamic terrorism. Qureshi is the author of Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus.

      Stealing from God: Why Atheists Need God to Make Their Case, by Frank Turek. An effective tool for reaching atheists because it demands that atheists abide by the same standards they impose on others. Recommended by Ravi Zacharias and Eric Metaxas.

      C.S. Lewis’s “Mere Christianity”: A Biography, by George M. Marsden (Lives of Great Religious Books). Alister McGrath calls this “a superb study of C.S. Lewis’s greatest work”, in which Marsden succeeds both in illuminating its success, and “enriching our own reading of this seminal work”. Another volume in the series of Lives of Great Christian Books.

      I Am N: Inspiring Stories of Christians Facing Islamic Extremists, from The Voice of the Martyrs. The title reminds us that we are each “n”—the Arabic letter radical Muslims use to identify followers of Jesus the Nazarene. Have you considered the cost of following Jesus? In this book you will meet your faith-filled brothers around the world.

    Making All Things New: Inaugurated Eschatology for the Life of the Church, by Benjamin L. Gladd and Matthew S. Harmon, with Introductory Chapter by G.K. Beale. This book represents biblical theology in the service of the church today. Thomas Schreiner says it shows how “eschatology permeates every aspect of ministry, from prayer to preaching to missions”, as it views the church as a profoundly eschatological community. Michael Bird says this book emphasizes the meaning of inaugurated eschatology, “as we stand in the middle of an old world dying and a new creation already borne in our midst through Jesus Christ “. This book represents an application to the church of G.K. Beale’s profound work in his books such as A New Testament Biblical Theology, God Dwells Among Us, and The Temple and the Church’s Mission.

     What About Free Will? Reconciling Our Choices with God’s Sovereignty, by Scott Christensen, with Foreword by D.A. Carson. Free will is a complex topic, but the Bible is clear: God’s absolute sovereignty exists alongside our free, responsible choices. The author says only one view, compatibilism, fully embraces this truth. Also recommended by John MacArthur, Michael Horton, Andrew Naselli, John Hannah, and Sam Storms.

     The Bible Cause: A History of the American Bible Society, by John Fea. Founded in 1816 with the goal of distributing Bibles throughout the world, the ABS is a seminal institution for American Christians. Noted American historian Fea demonstrates how the history of the ABS has intersected at nearly every point with the history of the United States. Today the ABS is a ministry with a $300 million budget and a mission to engage 100 million Americans with the Bible by 2025.

     Songs of the Servant: Isaiah’s Good News, by Henri Blocher. Brief but classic exposition of the four messianic Songs of the Servant from Isaiah (chs 42, 49, 50, 52-53).

     The Message of the General Epistles in the History of Redemption: Wisdom from James, Peter, John and Jude, by Brandon D. Crowe. The NT books of James through Jude—the General or Catholic Epistles–can easily be overlooked due to their brevity and place at the end of the canon. However, Thomas Schreiner says “we ignore these letters to our peril, for they have an urgent message for the church today”. The authors of these epistles were important early church leaders who knew Jesus and wrote important letters to the churches.

       History: A Student’s Guide, by Nathan Finn (Reclaiming the Christian Intellectual Tradition series). Explores the nature of history and historical context, compares different schools of historical interpretation, and addresses contemporary issues in the intersection of history and faith. Helps us to engage with history in the light of God’s providential care over the past, present, and future.

CHILDREN’S BOOKS: The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross, by Carl Laferton (Tales That Tell the Truth). The amazing story of the whole Bible and why Jesus died and rose again. Biblical theology for the young.