

Office Hours

Office hours are Tuesday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

Address/Phone Changes

As changes occur, notify the CBC Office 972-671-3428 x100 or info@communitybible.org). Messages may be left on voice mail after hours.

Bad-Weather Cancellation

Cancellation of meetings will be placed the CBC web site (www.communitybible.org.)

Building Use & Master Calendar

Any building need or activity must be scheduled five working days in advance on the Master Calendar by contacting the CBC Office (972-671-3428 x100) during Office hours. Building access after 2:00 PM must also be arranged through the Office.

CBC Information Wall

Information on CBC ministries, activities, and missionaries is located on the Information Wall in the west hallway. To place information there, first contact the Office.

Hearing Assistance

An assisted hearing system is available for meetings in the auditorium or the parlor. Receivers with earphones are available in the auditorium hallway or the parlor kitchen (specific to that meeting)

Lost & Found

The Lost & Found is located in the west side of the balcony. All items not claimed within a month are donated to charity. For more information, call Dee H.

Mobility & Other Items Available for Checkout

These items are available for check-out on Sunday mornings through the ushers or during the week through the Office: crutches, wheelchair, walkers, shower chair, and commode chairs.