Our Weekly Teaching Schedule is:
- Sunday Teaching (Sermon) meeting begins at 11:15 AM in our main auditorium.
We believe that the Bible, in its entirety, is God’s divinely authoritative revelation to mankind, and that it is uniquely “living and active,” inspired and infused with life-giving, life-transforming power by the Holy Spirit. We are committed to the expositional teaching and preaching of God’s Word. This means that we teach through a given book of the Bible from start to finish so that every passage is seen in relation to its context.We also believe there are times when it is appropriate and necessary to address certain topics. Topical messages or series are generally presented between book studies, but we will occasionally interrupt a book study to address a time-urgent topic. In all topical teaching and preaching just as in expositional teaching and preaching through books of the Bible, our sole authority is the Bible itself, the Word of God. (Isaiah 55:8-11; John 16:12-15; 1 Corinthians 2:6-16; 2 Timothy 3:16-4:4; Hebrews 4:12; 2 Peter 1:20-21).
- Various Elective Adult classes are held periodically on Wednesday Evenings, and Adult Bible Studies are held Wednesday mornings.
- Children (grades K-6) meet for Sunday School at 10:50 AM on Sunday mornings.
Please visit our Sermons section of this website for current sermons as well as previous sermon series and topics presented at Community Bible Chapel. The most recent messages are available as Podcasts. Using any mainstream Podcast app or iTunes, search for “Community Bible Chapel”. Our Podcast channel will be among the first few search results and can be identified by our logo.