New Books – April 2009 - Community Bible Chapel, Richardson, Texas
New Books – April 2009

New Books – April 2009

A Great and Terrible Love: A Spiritual Journey Into the Attributes of God, by Mark Galli. J.I. Packer says “anyone who works their way through these meditations on the attributes of God will find them full of nourishment”.

Ancient Word, Changing Worlds: The Doctrine of Scripture in a Modern Age, by Stephen J. Nichols and Eric T. Brandt. A comprehensive survey of approaches to the doctrine of Scripture, showing what the church has always believed about the Bible as the Word of God, and then showing the drift among evangelical and Reformed theologians over the past century from a commitment to Scripture’s infallibility and inerrancy.

More Than a Theory: Revealing a Testable Model for Creation, by Hugh Ross. Presents an overview of the many explanations of nature and human origins that compete for acceptance in modern culture, and compares them with respect to their ability to adequately account for over 100 distinct findings from natural and social sciences.

The Bookends of the Christian Life, by Jerry Bridges and Bob Bevington. The authors show how the gospel doesn’t apply just to initial salvation. Rather, the twin blessings of the gospel are both the forgiveness of sin and the power to change. Thus, a biblical world view leans upon the righteous of Christ on the one hand, and the power of the Holy Spirit on the other.

More Precious Than Gold: 50 Daily Meditations on the Psalms, by Sam Storms. Discovering and delighting in the treasures of Psalms.

The Hole in Our Gospel, by Richard Stearns, president of World Vision. The compelling true story of a corporate CEO who set aside worldly success for something far more significant, becoming a powerful voice in the fight against AIDS and extreme poverty.

Desperately Wicked: Philosophy, Christianity, and the Human Heart, by Patrick Downey. What is the human heart like? To seek answers to this profound question, Downey explores the biblical writings of Genesis and the prophet Jeremiah, the Greek tragedies, Plato, Aristotle, and political philosophers such as Rousseau and Nietzsche.

Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus: How the Jewishness of Jesus Can Transform Your Faith, by Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg. What would it have been like to sit at the feet of Rabbi Jesus? By putting Jesus in the midst of the culture, customs, prayers, and feasts of first-century Judaism, the authors hope to enrich our understanding of the Bible and of Jesus.

A Lifetime of Wisdom, by Joni Eareckson Tada. At the age of 17, a swimming accident left Joni a quadriplegic for life. Now, 41 years later, she reflects back on the wisdom God gave her that enabled her not just to tolerate her loss of mobility, but to persevere and to grow in ways she would not have thought possible.

John Calvin: A Pilgrim’s Life, by Herman J. Selderhuis. A fresh new biography based on a careful reading of Calvin’s letters and other sources, providing a portrait of Calvin drawn exclusively from Calvin’s own writings. We find here a fully human Calvin who was a flawed and forgiven pilgrim who never lost sight of his destination and inspired many others along the way.

Inside the Revolution: How the Followers of Jihad, Jefferson, and Jesus Are Battling to Dominate the Middle East and Transform the World, by Joel C. Rosenberg. Rosenberg argues that there are now three movements inside the Islamic Revolution in Iran that are poised to change the world forever, for good or ill. They consist of the Radicals (followers of Jihad), the Reformers (those who oppose the Radicals), and the Revivalists (Iranians who secretly believe in Jesus).

Longing of God: Seven Paths of Christian Devotion, by Richard J. Foster and Gayle D. Beebe. Introduces us to people from the past who have known God very deeply, and each one is shown to point the way to one of the seven primary paths to intimacy with God that have been developed throughout Christian history. The examples include Augustine, Pascal, John Bunyan, John of the Cross, Luther, Thomas a Kempis, and a host of others.

Peoples of the New Testament World: An Illustrated Guide, by William A. Simmons. A guide to the people groups who inhabit the pages of the New Testament, such as the Scribes, the Pharisees, the Herodians, Zealots, and tax collectors, to name just a few. Includes scores of color photos, pictures, and maps.

What Southern Women Know About Faith: Kitchen Table Stories and Back Porch Comfort, by Ronda Rich. What it means to be a Southern woman of strength, softness and faith.

Right Thinking in a World Gone Wrong, by John MacArthur and the leadership team at Grace Community Church. A Biblical response to today’s most controversial issues.

A Fine-Tuned Universe: The Quest for God in Science and Theology, by Alister E. McGrath. Natural theology has made a comeback, and in this volume McGrath examines the apparent “fine-tuning” of the universe and its significance for natural theology. He explores a wide range of physical and biological phenomena and draws on the latest research in biochemistry and evolutionary biology. McGrath has doctorates from Oxford in both the natural sciences and Christian theology.

Christianity Beyond Belief: Following Jesus for the Sake of Others, by Todd D. Hunter. The author wants to show that Christianity is a life, not just a secure death, and to make us understood that following Jesus is not about ourselves.

Through Western Eyes: Eastern Orthodoxy, A Reformed Perspective, by Robert Letham. After centuries of separation from the West, Eastern Orthodoxy has become increasingly popular in the Western world, with its sense of mystery, continuity with the past, and dignified worship. This book examines the history and theology of Orthodoxy from a Reformed perspective.

Systematic Theology: Grounded in Holy Scripture and Understood in the Light of the Church, Volume One: The God Who Is: The Holy Trinity, by Douglas F. Kelly. The first of a three volume systematic theology from a Reformed perspective. Kelly teaches at Reformed Theological Seminary, Charolotte.

Can God Be Trusted? Faith and the Challenge of Evil (2nd Edition), by John G. Stackhouse, Jr. In a world riddled with disappointment and tragedy, what rationale do we have for believing in a benevolent God? The author explores how great thinkers have grappled with this problem.

Engaging with Barth: Contemporary Evangelical Critiques, edited by David Gibson and Daniel Strange. This volume provides orientation to aspects of Barth’s theology that can be deemed problematic from an evangelical perspective. Contributors include Michael Scott Horton, Henri Blocher, Paul Helm and others.

What He Must Be—If He Wants to Marry My Daughter, by Voddie Baucham, Jr. The ten desirable qualities parents should seek in a potential son-in-law.

The Divine Commodity: Discovering a Faith Beyond Consumer Christianity, by Skye Jethani. In a culture where worship has become entertainment and God has become a consumable product, the author explores spiritual practices that liberate us to live as Christ’s people in a consumer culture opposed to the values of His kingdom. To make his case, the author uses Scripture, history, engaging narrative, and the inspiring art of Vincent van Gogh.

A Young Woman’s Guide to Making Right Choices, by Elizabeth George. Principles from God’s Word to help you make the right decisions among the many options that are out there today.

Conversational Evangelism, by Norman and David Geisler. How to listen and speak so you can be heard.

Answering the New Atheism: Dismantling Dawkins’ Case Against God, by Scott Hahn and Benjamin Wiker. Exposing the shoddy reasoning, logical blunders, and factual errors of Dawkins’ best seller, The God Delusion.

Confronting Without Offending, by Deborah Smith Pegues. Positive and practical steps to resolving conflict.

Crucifixion in the Ancient World and the Folly of the Message of the Cross, by Martin Hengel. Originally published in 1977, this is the definitive study of the practice of crucifixion in the ancient world at the time of Jesus.

Christianity in Crisis, 21st Century, by Hank Hanegraaff. Nearly two decades ago, the author’s award winning book, Christianity in Crisis, warned of the faith movement, a cultic movement in Christianity that threatened to undermine the very foundation of biblical faith. But he says that in the 21st century, there are new dangers—new teachers who threaten to do more damage than the last—such as T.D. Jakes, Joel Osteen, and Joyce Meyer.

Death by Church, by Mike Erre. A critique of the contemporary evangelical church and a call for it to become the countercultural communal outpost for the kingdom of God.

COMMENTARIES: Leviticus/Numbers/Deuteronomy, by Philip W. Comfort, General Editor, and 1 Timothy/2 Timothy/Titus/Hebrews, by Philip W. Comfort, General Editor (both are in the Cornerstone Biblical Commentary series).

ADULT FICTION: Gilead, by Marilynne Robinson (a novel about faith and family; winner of the Pulitzer Prize for fiction); The Rose Conspiracy, by Craig Parshall (legal thriller); Take One, by Karen Kingsbury (Above the Line #1); Rock Harbor #1-2, by Colleen Coble; The Brides of Gallatin County #1-2, by Tracie Peterson; The Inheritance, by Tamera Alexander.

CHILDREN’S BOOKS: Noah’s Notebook, by Allia Zobel Nolan (ages 3-7) ; The Lion Book of Five-Minute Parables, by Charlotte Ryton; The Story of Queen Esther, by Jenny Koralek; The First Easter, by Lois Rock;


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