New Books (Page 5)
New Books–April 2014
Complete New Book List April 2014 Encountering God Together: Leading Worship Services That Honor God, Minister to His People, and Build His Church, by David G. Peterson. Does Sunday morning leave you with a sense of awe? It should! The Gospel According to Daniel: A Christ-Centered Approach, by Bryan Chapell. Justin Taylor says “Chapell has been at the forefront of a resurgence in Christ-centered exposition, arguing that all of Scripture demonstrates the grace of God which culminates in the person…
New Books–March 2014
Complete New Book List March 2014 Confessing History: Explorations in Christian Faith and the Historian’s Vocation, edited by John Fea, Jay Green and Eric Miller God’s Double Agent: The True Story of a Chinese Christian’s Fight for Freedom, by Bob Fu with Nancy French. The riveting account of a student leader of the Tiananmen Square protests who became a literal prisoner for Christ and then escapes to the West, which Eric Metaxas says is “impossible to put down”. The Final…
New Books–February 2014
Complete New Book List, February 2014 Preaching in Hitler’s Shadow: Sermons of Resistance in the Third Reich, edited by Dean G. Stroud. A collection of sermons preached by the Resistance during Hitler’s Germany, providing stirring examples of the courage of prophetic witness and the sheer power of the Word preached in persistent obedience and at enormous risk Like the OT prophets of old, their voice could not be stifled. Sermons included are by Bonhoeffer, Barth, Niemoller, and others. HISTORICAL NON-FICTION:…
New Books–January 2014
Complete New Book List January 2014 From Heaven He Came and Sought Her: Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological and Pastoral Perspective, edited by David Gibson and Jonathan Gibson. The most comprehensive resource available today on definite (or limited) atonement, one of the five points of Calvinism. Contributors include John Piper, Alec Motyer, Thomas Schreiner, Sinclair Ferguson, Henri Blocher, and others, with Foreword by J.I. Packer. What is Biblical Theology? A Guide to the Bible’s Story, Symbolism, and Pattern, by…
New Books–December 2013
Complete New Book List December 2013 Mozart: A Life, by Paul Johnson. In this new biography, historian Paul Johnson explores Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s life and times in rich detail, focusing particularly on the music. Johnson is the author of a number of acclaimed biographies, most recently Churchill. A Call to Resurgence: Will Christianity Have a Funeral or a Future? by Mark Driscoll. The author says that despite some outward signs, we are living in a post-Christian culture—a culture fundamentally at…
New Books, October 2013
Complete New Book List October, 2013 Jesus on Every Page: 10 Simple Ways to Seek and Find Jesus in the Old Testament, by David Murray. Shows how Christ is present throughout the OT and points out the important landmarks we need to notice. Living by Revealed Truth: The Life and Theology of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, by Tom Nettles. David Dockery says that “evidencing decades of serious engagement with this great Baptist preacher of the 19thcentury, Nettles has given us an…
New Books, September 2013
Complete New Book List September, 2013 Silent Witnesses: Lessons on Theology, Life and the Church from Christians of the Past, by Garry J. Williams. Tells the story of a selection of figures from the Christian past, witnesses whose lips have now fallen silent, but who yet speak through their writings and the stirring stories of their lives. The witnesses include Augustine, Tyndale, Jonathan Edwards, Owen, Calvin, Anne Bradstreet, Luther, Nicholas Ridley, the Council of Chalcedon, and others. Discovering the City…
New Books, August, 2013
Complete New Book List August, 2013 Conscience and Its Enemies: Confronting the Dogmas of Liberal Secularism, by Robert P. George, who has been called by New York Times Magazine, “this country’s most influential conservative thinker”. George Will says that in this book, the author demonstrates that “traditional morality still has an authoritative role to play in modern life, and shows how a person of faith can enter the public square fearlessly, unashamedly, intelligently, and, above all, reasonably”. Darwin’s Doubt: The…
New Books, July 2013
Complete New Book List July, 2013 Glimpses of Grace: Treasuring the Gospel in Your Home, by Gloria Furman. The author is a wife, mother of four young children, and blogger. In 2008, her family moved to the Middle East to plant Redeemer Church of Dubai, where her husband serves as pastor. She blogs regularly at The Gospel Coalition and Desiring God. Joni and Ken: An Untold Love Story, by Ken and Joni Eareckson Tada. Enduring quadriplegia, chronic pain, cancer and…
New Books–June 2013
Complete New Book List June, 2013 Kingdom Come: The Amillennial Alternative, by Sam Storms. Regarding the issue of Christ’s second coming, is premillennialism the only option for Christians? Pastor/scholar Storms provides the biblical rationale for amillennialism, the belief that the 1,000 years of Revelation is symbolic of the reign of Christ and His people throughout the present church age. Along the way, he looks in detail at Daniel 9, Matthew 24, and Romans 11, along with Revelation 20. He also…
New Books–May 2013
Complete New Book List May 2013 Rhythms of Grace: How the Church’s Worship Tells the Story of the Gospel, by Mike Cosper. How the gospel reshapes every dimension and element of worship. Seven Men and the Secret of Their Greatness, by Eric Metaxas. An encouragement to true heroism through brief biographical sketches of George Washington, Wilberforce, Bonhoeffer, Jackie Robinson, Eric Liddell, Pope John Paul II, and Charles Colson. No Pressure, Mr. President! The Power of True Belief in a Time…
New Books–April 2013
Complete New Book List April, 2013 On the Shoulders of Hobbits: The Road to Virtue with Tolkien and Lewis, by Louis Markos. Markos takes us back to the day when real life truth and goodness were communicated powerfully through the fantastical fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. Come, Let Us Reason Together: Connecting with God Through the Word, by Mary Baird. CBCer Mary Baird says that God lovingly reaches out to His people and invites them to sit down…
New Books–March 2013
Complete New Book List March, 2013 One Perfect Life: The Complete Story of the Lord Jesus, by John MacArthur. A one-of-a-kind composite harmony of the NT Gospels, blended into a single continuous narrative. The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther, by Steven J. Lawson (Long Line of Godly Men series). Luther was a trailblazing Reformer, precise theologian, prolific author, and fierce debater. But above all, he was a preacher who was unflinchingly courageous as he stood in the pulpit, and he…
New Books–February 2013
Complete New Book List February 2013 The Great Evangelical Recession: 6 Factors That Will Crash the AmericanChurch—and How to Prepare, by John S. Dickerson. An award-winning journalist and pastor, Dickerson sees the American church as on the precipice of a spiritual recession, with the once friendly host culture of the United States turning hostile and antagonistic. He identifies six factors that are radically eroding the American church, and offers biblical solutions to prepare for spiritual success in the face of…
New Books–January 2013
Complete New Book List January 2013 Who Do You Think You Are? Finding Your True Identity in Christ, by Mark Driscoll. Who are you? What defines you? What is your identity? How you answer these questions defines every aspect of your life: personal, public, and spiritual. So it’s vital that you get it right. Craig Groeschel says “this book will give you an unshakeable, biblical understanding of who you are in Christ”. Puritan Portraits, by J.I. Packer. On selected classic…
New Books–December 2012
Complete New Book List December 2012 Who Is Jesus? Linking the Historical Jesus with the Christ of Faith, by Darrell L. Bock. Bock tests the authenticity of Jesus’ claims against the rules of history to determine if He truly is the Christ of Faith. To get there, he examines twelve events, sayings, and teachings of Jesus, using ten well-accepted historical rules. Discover how fascinating the discussions of the historical Jesus can be. Jesus the Son of God: A Christological Title…
New Books–November 2012
Complete New Book List November 2012 Glorious Ruin: How Suffering Sets You Free, by Tullian Tchividjian. One reviewer says: “For the last three years I have watched my 8-year old daughter suffer with cancer. The Why and How of suffering have been of little value to my family and me. The truth of the Who and of grace, so wonderfully presented in this book, has been our life and only hope. ” Mistakes Leaders Make, by Dave Kraft. You don’t…
New Books–October 2012
Complete New Book List October 2012 Churches, Revolutions and Empires, 1789-1914, by Ian J. Shaw. This period of history was a time of momentous and often violent change religiously, socially, politically, and economically in the western world, and was the crucible in which the modern world was born. In addition, the shape of Christianity as a modern world faith began to emerge. Mark Noll calls this book “clear, comprehensive and well-informed” about the history of western churches. God and Charles…
New Books–September 2012
Complete New Book List September, 2012 Who Am I? Identity in Christ, by Jerry Bridges. Addressing the Christian’s true identity in Christ, Jerry Bridges unpacks Scripture to give eight clear, simple answers. A great resource not only to ground new believers, but to remind all of us what God has made us through faith in Jesus. The Hole in our Holiness: Filling the Gap Between Gospel Passion and the Pursuit of Godliness, by Kevin DeYoung. What does it mean to…