New Books – December 2007

New Books – December 2007

The Future of Justification: A Response to N.T. Wright, by John Piper. In responding to the so-called “New Perspective on Paul”, Piper presents a strong defense of the traditional Protestant view that justification is the heart of the gospel.

The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World, edited by John Piper and Justin Taylor. Six contributors, including Piper, David Wells, and D.A. Carson, offer a practical, biblical vision of Christ’s supremacy and how to share that message and the gospel in a postmodern society.

Understanding Four Views on the Lord’s Supper, by Russell D. Moore, et al. The four views presented are the Baptist view (memorialism), Reformed view (spiritual presence), Lutheran view (consubstantiation), and the Roman Catholic view (transubstantiation).

The Gods of War: Is Religion the Primary Cause of Violent Conflict? by Meic Pearse. It is often claimed that religion is responsible for more wars, more global conflicts, and more deaths than any other factor. Historian Pearse takes issue with that charge, and says that while religion has often been a significant generator of armed conflict, the two principal causes of human warfare are in fact culture and the greed for power, territory or resources. He demonstrates that irreligion has produced far bloodier wars than religion, and shows how global secularism itself does violence to both religion and traditional cultures.

What’s the Big Deal About Jesus, by John Ankerberg and Dillon Burroughs. Blockbuster movies, documentaries, and books have placed Jesus in the spotlight of popular culture. Why so much interest? And why has this stirred such controversy? The search for answers about who Jesus really is has become more difficult by an abundance of wrong information coming from secular scholars and uninformed media representatives. The authors of this book sort out fact from fiction as they examine the issues.

Faith in the Halls of Power: How Evangelicals Joined the American Elite, by D. Michael Lindsay. An engaging account of how evangelical leaders have swept into the halls of power—from the White House and corporate boardrooms to the academy and Hollywood. Interviews with over 350 evangelicals in leadership positions show how evangelicals are influencing and being influenced by our world.

An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach, by Bruce K. Waltke with Charles Yu. The OT is more than a religious history of the nation of Israel or a portrait gallery of heroes of the faith. It is even more than a theological and prophetic backdrop to the NT. Beyond these, the OT is an inspired revelation of the very nature and character of God and the meaning of history. Waltke takes a narrative, chronological approach to the text, and illuminates the theologies of the biblical narrators, while showing that the unifying theme of the OT is the “in-breaking of the kingdom of God”. J.I. Packer says that exegetically and theologically, this work is “all pure gold”.

The Living Church: Convictions of a Lifelong Pastor, by John Stott. Reflecting on his more than 60 years of service at All Souls, Langham Place in the heart of London, and a world-wide ministry, Stott articulates his dream for the body of Christ in the world today.

There Is A God: How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind, by Anthony Flew with Roy Abraham Varghese. Tony Flew is a world renowned philosopher and intellectual who for most of his working life was a militant and outspoken atheist who publicly debunked the existence of God. But in 2004, he shocked the unbelieving world by announcing that scientific discoveries and philosophical arguments had turned him from atheism to a belief in God.

Dangerous Surrender: What Happens When You Say Yes to God, by Kay Warren. What happens when your plan and God’s plan for the rest of your life aren’t the same? Do you surrender your goals to God? That happened to Kay Warren, wife of Rick Warren (author of The Purpose Driven Life), who discovered the shocking realities of the AIDS pandemic in Africa and felt God was calling her to become involved.

Reasons for Faith: Making a Case for the Christian Faith: Essays in Honor of Bob Passantino and Gretchen Passantino Coburn, edited by Norman L. Geisler and Chad V. Meister. Contributors include Josh McDowell, H. Wayne House, J.P. Moreland, E. Calvin Beisner, Francis Beckwith, et al.

The Beautiful Fight: Surrendering to the Transforming Presence of God Every Day of Your Life, by Gary Thomas. The author argues that the contemporary church is in danger of accepting Christianity as a historical reality but not as a present power. John Ortberg says “the first chapter alone is worth reading many times”.

What’s So Great About Christianity? by Dinesh D’Souza. Responding to the current epidemic of atheist manifestos, the author assembles arguments from history, philosophy, theology and science to build a compelling case for faith in a loving God.

The Way the World Is: The Christian Perspective of a Scientist, by John Polkinghorne. A physicist-turned-theologian presents a reasoned account of the Christian view of the world, drawing from his own experiences as both a scientist and theologian.

A Stranger in the House of God: From Doubt to Faith and Everywhere in Between, by John Koessler. The author now teaches at Moody Bible Institute. But growing up as the son of agnostics, he saw a Catholic church on one end of the street, and a Baptist church on the other. In the no-man’s land between the two, this curious outsider wondered about the God they worshipped, and began a life-long journey to comprehend the grace and mystery of God. This book is said to be like a contemporary Pilgrim’s Progress as Koessler recounts his journey from spiritual outsider to ordained pastor.

Getting to Know the Church Fathers: An Evangelical Introduction, by Bryan M. Litfin. This “lively and engaging introduction to the church’s earliest and most venerable teachers” is particularly aimed at evangelicals. As one reviewer said, Litfin “shatters the stereotypes of the church fathers, and shows how they were animated by the Holy Scriptures and love for Christ”, and in doing so, he challenges evangelicals to claim the great tradition of Christian thought as their own.

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible, by Robert J. Hutchinson. A response to today’s relentless attacks on the Bible from left-wing academics, novelists, and screenwriters seeking to justify their own political agendas.

Rediscovering Paul: An Introduction to His World, Letters, and Theology, by David B. Capes, Rodney Reeves, and E. Randolph Richards. An evangelical introduction to the rich tapestry of cultures, events, theology and mission that shaped the great apostle and his writings.

Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy and End Times, by J. Daniel Hays, J. Scott Duvall, and C. Marvin Pate. An exhaustive work containing articles on a broad sweep of topics relevant to the study of biblical prophecy and eschatology. Strives for a balanced presentation by laying out differing positions along with their strengths and weaknesses, while not pushing any theological agenda.

Future Israel: Why Christian Anti-Judaism Must Be Challenged, by Barry E. Horner (NAC Studies in Bible and Theology). A challenge to the view that the church has replaced or superseded Israel in God’s redemptive plan, and a defense of the place of a future regenerated nation of Israel in the land under its Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Rethinking Worldview: Learning to Think, Live and Speak in this World, by J. Mark Bertrand. As one reviewer said, “the author turns the prism until every angle has been illuminated”, as it helps believers to engage the world in a winsome and effective manner.

I Want to Live These Days With You: A Year of Daily Devotions, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. A collection of inspired writings drawn from Bonhoeffer’s many works (such as The Cost of Discipleship and Letters and Papers from Prison), offering a new glimpse into how he understood faith and discipleship. Bonhoeffer, one of the most well-known and beloved theologians of the 20th century, was imprisoned and executed for his involvement in a plot against Hitler.

Searching for the Original Bible, by Randall Price. The general public is being offered a liberal diet about the origin and nature of Scripture. Here Dr. Price traces the long but important work that lies behind obtaining the authentic words that God revealed to His prophets and apostles, showing why our Bible is reliable and trustworthy.

C. Stacey Woods and the Evangelical Rediscovery of the University, by A. Donald MacLeod. The story of the individual who did the most to make Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship a leading campus ministry in North America in the mid-twentieth century.

COMMENTARIES: Philippians: The Fellowship of the Gospel, by R. Kent Hughes (Preaching the Word).

ADULT/FAMILY DVDs: Amazing Grace, starring Ioan Gruffudd and Albert Finney. The excellent Hollywood feature film on the life of William Wilberforce, the British parliamentarian who spent his life working to end the British slavery trade.

ADULT FICTION: Never Too Late, and Miss Katie’s Rosewood, by Michael Phillips (Carolina Cousins #3-4); Home to Holly Springs, by Jan Karon (Father Tim #1); Between Sundays, by Karen Kingsbury.

CHILDRENS BOOKS: Nana’s Bible Stories, by Roberta Simpson (with bonus CD narrated by Sheila Walsh).


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