New Books–December 2021

New Books–December 2021

Complete New Book List

December 2021


In the Name of God: The Colliding Lives, Legends, and Legacies of J. Frank Norris and George W. Truett, by O.S. Hawkins. The story of two iconic figures who dominated the church culture of much of the first half of the 20th century, not only in Texas but in the whole of America. Norris of First Baptist Church in Ft. Worth and Truett of First Baptist Church in Dallas both lived lives of conflict and controversy. Each led one of the largest churches in the world in the 1920s and ‘30s. Each shot and killed a man, one by accident and the other in self-defense. Al Mohler says it is one of the most fascinating stories of our time.

Beacon-Light: The Life of William Borden (1887-1913), by Kevin Belmonte. “Borden of Yale” was a familiar name in the past. Although he died at the young age of 25, he deeply impacted the world for Christ. Also known as “the millionaire missionary” and called a latter-day David Brainerd, Borden trained as a medical missionary at Yale, and founded Yale Hope Mission before embarking on the trek to China in 1913 that cost him his life.

The Bible Convictions of John Wycliffe, by Steven J. Lawson (Long Line of Godly Men). Though he preceded the Reformation, Wycliffe (1329-1384) was known as its “Morning Star” because of his strong convictions about the truth of the gospel, and the Bible as the highest authority. Convinced that everyday people needed the Bible in their own language, he was the first to translate the Bible into English.

Show Me Your Glory: Understanding the Majestic Splendor of God, by Steven J. Lawson. It is the most important question we can ask: Who is God? And God has clearly revealed Himself and His majesty in His Word. Just as Moses asked the Lord on the summit of Sinai, we can approach God’s Word with the ultimate request: “Show me Your glory”. In this book Lawson takes us to the mountaintop of divine revelation by distilling the Bible’s teaching about God Himself. Each chapter delves into the depths of God’s awesome attributes.

Eve in Exile and the Restoration of Femininity, by Rebekah Merkle. Sets aside the false stereotypes of women and femininity proposed by feminists of various eras so that Christians can focus on real women. What did God make women for?

Holier Than Thou, by Jackie Hill Perry. How God’s holiness helps us to trust Him. In these pages, Jackie will show us that God is not like us; He is different. And she walks us through Scripture, shaking the dust off “holy” as we’ve come to know it, and revealing it for what it really is: good news.

Jesus Followers: Real-Life Lessons for Igniting Faith in the Next Generation, by Anne Graham Lotz and Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright. Passing on our faith does not happen passively—it’s something we intentionally pursue with prayer and joy. Yet many struggle and long for spiritual wisdom on how to ignite faith in our children, grandchildren, and others we encounter. In this book, Anne  and her daughter draw on the genealogy of Genesis 5 and other material to explore the unique impact of our witness, worship, work and walk.

Is Atheism Dead? by Eric Metaxas. Hugh Ross says that “with great oratorical skill and irrepressible humor, Metaxas engages lay readers with the story of how recent discoveries have made atheism scientifically, historically, and philosophically untenable”.

The Glory Now Revealed: What We’ll Discover About God in Heaven, by Andrew M. Davis. Kevin Ezell calls this “a wonderful resource reflecting on what our lives will be like in heaven” as he pulls insights from Bible passages that give us a glimpse into “the kinds of activities God will continue throughout our time in eternity, and makes a clear case that much of Scripture has implications for life in heaven”. Also recommended by Thomas Schreiner who calls it “compelling”.

Believing Is Seeing: A Physicist Explains How Science Shattered His Atheism and Revealed the Necessity of Faith, by Michael Guillen, PhD. The author explains how nowadays beliefs rule the day. Every aspect of the human experience, from science to religion, is powered by one thing: faith. And that includes your world view, which is powered by beliefs you can’t prove. It is faith that dictates how you see everything and everyone. So are your beliefs true or untrue?

Overflow: How the Joy of the Trinity Inspires Our Mission, by Michael Reeves. We often put the Trinity in the intellectual part of the Christian life and missions in the practical, but the author shows how the Trinity actually has everything to do with our missional life.

Love Me Anyway: How God’s Perfect Love Fills Our Deepest Longing, by Jared C. Wilson. Unpacks 1 Corinthians 13 to show us what real love looks like. Through engaging stories and touching anecdotes, he paints a picture of an extravagant God who not only puts the desire for love into our very souls, but fulfills those desires in striking, live-changing ways.

Do You Believe? 12 Historic Doctrines to Change Your Everyday Life, by Paul David Tripp. Takes the great and glorious truths of the Christian faith and funnels them into our actual, real-time lives.

Fault Lines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe, by Voddie T. Baucham, Jr. A controversial book. Read with discretion.

ADULT FICTION: Woman in Shadow by Carrie Stuart Parks. On vacation in remote Idaho, forensic linguist Darby Graham thinks she is on a much-needed vacation when a serial arsonist strikes the area.


