Complete New Book List
December, 2015
We Cannot be Silent: Speaking Truth to a Culture Redefining Sex, Marriage, and the Very Meaning of Right and Wrong, by R. Albert Mohler, Jr. Why it is our duty to speak out in defense of biblical and natural-law principles of sexual morality and marriage. D.A. Carson says “it is simply not possible to simultaneously remain silent and faithful to the Lord Jesus”, while John MacArthur says this book shows the “rare clarity and perception of Dr. Mohler”.
The First Days of Jesus: The Story of the Incarnation, by Andreas J. Kostenberger and Alexander E. Stewart, Foreword by Justin Taylor. A meditative book, based on solid scholarship, which will lead you on a step-by-step journey through the Gospels’ birth narratives, clearing away common misconceptions, making messianic connections, and setting the stage for Jesus’ later life and ministry. Great for Christmas reading.
HISTORICAL NON-FICTION: The Great War of Our Time: The CIA’s Fight Against Terrorism—From Al Qa’ida to ISIS, by Michael Morell, the former Deputy Director of the CIA, who served 33 years in the CIA until his recent retirement. He was at Bush’s side during 9/11 and in the situation room with President Obama when bin Ladin was killed. Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates: The Forgotten War That Changed American History, by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger. America’s first war on terrorism began in 1801 under the presidency of Thomas Jefferson. American merchant ships were being attacked and the crews put into slavery and held for ransom by the four Muslim nations of the Barbary Coast in North Africa, who believed their religion entitled them to plunder and enslave non-Muslims. Jefferson built a navy and sent Marines to blockade Tripoli and protect American shipping.
The Songs of Jesus: A Year of Daily Devotions in the Psalms, by Timothy and Kathy Keller. The book of Psalms is known as the Bible’s songbook—Jesus knew all 150 Psalms intimately, and relied on them to face every situation, including his death. Two decades ago, Tim Keller began reading the entire book of Psalms every month.
75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should Know: The Fascinating Stories Behind Great Works of Art, Literature, Music, and Film, by Terry Glaspey. Some of the greatest artists have taken their inspiration from their faith, from the Roman catacombs to Rembrandt, and John Bunyan to Tolkien and Flannery O’Connor. Here are the stories behind the masterpieces, with full-color illustrations.
God and Churchill: How the Great Leader’s Sense of Divine Destiny Changed His Troubled World and Offers Hope for Yours, by Jonathan Sandys and Wallace Henley. Co-author Sandys is Churchill’s great grandson. Os Guinness says that Churchill emerges as “anything but ardently religious, but more personally aware of his destiny and more biblically literate and attuned to the Christian worldview and Christian civilization than many Christians today”.
Augustine on the Christian Life: Transformed by the Power of God, by Gerald Bray (Theologians on the Christian Life series). Augustine is widely considered to be the most influential theologian in church history after the apostle Paul. Dramatically converted from a life of licentiousness to one of wholehearted devotion to Christ, the humble North African pastor quickly established himself as a leading figure within the ancient church. Drawing on Augustine’s many writings—including his classic spiritual biography, the Confessions—Bray demonstrates Augustine’s enduring relevance for Christians today. Of particular note is that Augustine rejected the premillennial view of prophecy that was common in his day, especially the literal interpretation of the 1,000 year reign of Christ in the book of Revelation, and in its stead set forth the amillennial view that became the dominant view throughout most of church history, until the recent surge of dispensationalism and premillennialism in the past 150 years. As Bray says, today amillennialism “commands the assent of most academic theologians”.
A History of Western Philosophy and Theology, by John M. Frame. Vern Poythress calls this “the most important book ever written on the major figures and movements in philosophy”, while John Piper says “few in our day champion a vision of God as massive, magnificent, and biblical as John Frame’s”. This is a comprehensive history of Western thought.
Messy Grace: How a Pastor with Gay Parents Learned to Love Others without Sacrificing Conviction, by Caleb Kaltenbach. Caleb “came out” to his parents, although this time, it was a Christian teen coming out to his gay parents. After studying the Bible in order to refute it, it led him to salvation, and he later led his parents to salvation also. Caleb is now pursuing his doctorate at DTS. Highly recommended by Rosaria Butterfield.
Understanding Biblical Theology: A Comparison of Theory and Practice, by Edward W. Klink III and Darian R. Lockett. Scholars tout various approaches to the Bible as “biblical theology, but not all biblical theologies are the same. This book examines the five major approaches to “biblical theology” and the proponents of each. For example, D.A. Carson is analyzed as a proponent of the “history of redemption” approach to the discipline.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones: His Life and Relevance for the 21st Century, by Christopher Catherwood, This book, written by MLJ’s eldest grandson, tells how this physician-turned preacher integrated belief with practice and as a result impacted countless lives with his passionate preaching and commitment to the Bible as God’s Word.
A Theology of Mark’s Gospel: Good News About Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, by David E. Garland (Biblical Theology of the New Testament). The fourth in this new biblical theology series, covers major Markan theme and the distinctive contribution of Mark to the NT and the canon of Scripture.
Awe: Why It Matters for Everything We Think, Say and Do, by Paul David Tripp. We are made to live in awe of our Creator. We need to find that posture and delight in staying there. Francis Chan says “this book is brilliant”.
Audacious, by Beth Moore. A deep dive into the message that has compelled Beth Moore to serve women around the globe.
Happiness, by Randy Alcorn. As Spurgeon said: “Those who are ‘beloved of the Lord’ must be the most happy and joyful people to be found anywhere upon the face of the earth”. Alcorn takes a definitive and exhaustive look at what the Bible has to say about the subject of happiness, and how when we search for happiness apart from Christ, we will find only confusion and misery.
COMMENTARIES: 1 & 2 Thessalonians, by Richard D. Phillips (Reformed Expository Commentary); Why Everything Matters: The Gospel in Ecclesiastes, by Philip G. Ryken; Commentary on the Psalms, by John Calvin, abridged by David Searle.
ADULT FICTION: Come Rain or Come Shine, by Jan Karon (a Mitford Novel);
JUVENILE BOOKS: The Ology: Ancient Truths Ever New, by Marty Machowski. A beautifully illustrated volume which Jon Bloom, President of Desiring God, says “has quickly become my favorite introduction to Christianity for children”, and Don Whitney calls “a systematic theology accessible to children”. The author says it is “a multi-layered educational resource for grade school children”, and includes suggestions for using it for early elementary (ages 6-9) and upper elementary (ages 10-12). Also endorsed by Al Mohler, Joel Beeke, Justin Taylor, Tim Challies, Andy Naselli, and many others.